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It's not easy to find the info you need when you need it. You have manuals, RFPs, meeting notes, policies, and more.

You have questions and want answers. Ctrl+F/Command+F alone is not enough.

Just AskDocs:

  • Quick answers linked to your document

  • One-click summaries of key concepts and themes

  • Understand confusing info

  • Cross-document analysis

  • Use the responses to create better content (research, meeting notes, emails, and more)


Loved by 50k+ students, knowledge workers, and small business

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Read faster,
and create better work content.

It's not easy to find the info you need when you need it. You have manuals, RFPs, meeting notes, policies, and more.

You have questions and want answers. Ctrl+F/Command+F alone is not enough.

Just AskDocs:

  • Quick answers linked to your document

  • One-click summaries of key concepts and themes

  • Understand confusing info

  • Cross-document analysis

  • Use the responses to create better content (research, meeting notes, emails, and more)


Loved by 50k+ students, knowledge workers, and small business

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Trusted by thousands of students, researchers, and professions at world class institutions

Trusted by thousands of students, researchers, and professions at world class institutions

Trusted by thousands of students, researchers, and professions at world class institutions

How AskDocs works?

How AskDocs works?


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Ask questions and receive instant answers directly linked to sources within your document. Use these responses to craft expert-level emails, presentations, and more in seconds.


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With one-click generative summaries, effortlessly extract key points from your documents to quickly access important information.

Bring your own information source

Bring your own information source

Bring your own information source

AskDocs use your information as its source. It quickly read, understand, find, and summarize information from your documents. Think of AskDocs as a junior assistant that is focused on helping you look good.

AskDocs use your information as its source. It quickly read, understand, find, and summarize information from your documents. Think of AskDocs as a junior assistant that is focused on helping you look good.

Multiple document formats

Group document questioning

Document Summarizing





Get Summaries fast

Get Summaries fast

One-click and get formatted summarizes in seconds.

It's like a fast-forward button for your work. AskDocs is focused on removing the manual information retrieval and initial analysis tasks. Frees you to focus on value work - critical analysis and decision making.

One-click and get formatted summarizes in seconds.

It's like a fast-forward button for your work. AskDocs is focused on removing the manual information retrieval and initial analysis tasks. Frees you to focus on value work - critical analysis and decision making.

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Speed meets accuracy

Speed meets accuracy

The right answers - backed by intelligent citations - in the fastest time possible. AskDocs works for you, not in place of you.

Switch between standard and advance models for smarter responses.

The right answers - backed by intelligent citations - in the fastest time possible. AskDocs works for you, not in place of you.

Switch between standard and advance models for smarter responses.



Work with what you have. Not just PDFs!

Work with what you have. Not just PDFs!

Get new value from the information inside all the document types you use. Ask it questions from PDF, DOCX, CSV, TXT, EPUB, SCAN/OCR, YouTube links, reports, meeting notes, polices, etc. AskDocs handles them all.

Instantly ask questions across multiple documents at once and compare results.

Get new value from the information inside all the document types you use. Ask it questions from PDF, DOCX, CSV, TXT, EPUB, SCAN/OCR, YouTube links, reports, meeting notes, polices, etc. AskDocs handles them all.

Instantly ask questions across multiple documents at once and compare results.

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Ready to take your time back and focus on what really matters to you? Just AskDocs!

AskDocs is your generative AI assistant that can quickly read, understand, find, and summarize information from your documents.

Ready to take your time back and focus on what really matters to you? Just AskDocs!

AskDocs is your generative AI assistant that can quickly read, understand, find, and summarize information from your documents.

Ready to take your time back and focus on what really matters to you? Just AskDocs!

AskDocs is your generative AI assistant that can quickly read, understand, find, and summarize information from your documents.

Designed for professionals

See for yourself. Try demo to ask question about content of a file.

Apple 10Q
Financial Statements

Interpreting complex financial statements and providing insights or summaries.

Apple 10Q
Financial Statements

Interpreting complex financial statements and providing insights or summaries.

Apple 10Q
Financial Statements

Interpreting complex financial statements and providing insights or summaries.

BCBS239 Regulation
Regulatory Documents

Ensuring regulatory compliance by summarizing and interpreting lengthy legal and compliance documents.

BCBS239 Regulation
Regulatory Documents

Ensuring regulatory compliance by summarizing and interpreting lengthy legal and compliance documents.

BCBS239 Regulation
Regulatory Documents

Ensuring regulatory compliance by summarizing and interpreting lengthy legal and compliance documents.

Perspectiv erspectives of Occupational Ther es of Occupational Therapy Graduates on Sentinel aduates on Sentinel Events During T ents During Transitions t ansitions to Practice: A Phenomenogr actice: A Phenomenographic Study
Research Papers

Analyzing and summarizing medical research papers to keep up with the latest developments.

Perspectiv erspectives of Occupational Ther es of Occupational Therapy Graduates on Sentinel aduates on Sentinel Events During T ents During Transitions t ansitions to Practice: A Phenomenogr actice: A Phenomenographic Study
Research Papers

Analyzing and summarizing medical research papers to keep up with the latest developments.

Perspectiv erspectives of Occupational Ther es of Occupational Therapy Graduates on Sentinel aduates on Sentinel Events During T ents During Transitions t ansitions to Practice: A Phenomenogr actice: A Phenomenographic Study
Research Papers

Analyzing and summarizing medical research papers to keep up with the latest developments.

Citigroup Benefits Handbook
Employee Resources

Summarizing and explaining company policies for employees.

Citigroup Benefits Handbook
Employee Resources

Summarizing and explaining company policies for employees.

Securing sensitive data by using AWS Secrets Manager and HashiCorp Terraform
Technical Guides

Summarizing and explaining technical manuals and user guides.

Securing sensitive data by using AWS Secrets Manager and HashiCorp Terraform
Technical Guides

Summarizing and explaining technical manuals and user guides.

Citigroup Consent Order
Legal Documents

Summarizing regulatory filings and providing insights into potential legal implications

Citigroup Consent Order
Legal Documents

Summarizing regulatory filings and providing insights into potential legal implications

Citigroup Consent Order
Legal Documents

Summarizing regulatory filings and providing insights into potential legal implications

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50 MB Max File Size

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Unleash the power of automation.

5 MB/PDF Max File Size

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20 messages/month

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1000 question/day


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50 MB Max File Size

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Unleash the power of automation.

5 MB/PDF Max File Size

2 PDF files upload limit (total)

20 messages/month

Single Document Questioning

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Automation plus enterprise-grade

Single Document Questioning

Group Document Questioning

1000 question/day


Youtube Video Chat

50 MB Max File Size

OCR Support

Standard Models (GPT-3.5) and Advanced Models (GPT-4o)

Just AskDocs today




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Standard Models (GPT-3.5) and Advanced Models (GPT-4o)

50 MB Max File Size

Unleash the power of automation.

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Frequently asked questions

What are the key advantages of AskDocs compared to ChatGPT?

While ChatGPT is a powerful language model, AskDocs is purpose-built to extract answers from your own document library. Simply upload your files and AskDocs will analyze them to generate highly relevant, context-specific answers. Each response includes citations referencing the exact sections of your documents that contain the answer. Plus, AskDocs provides a seamless interface to view your documents alongside the chatbot, eliminating the need to switch between applications. Also, AskDocs inclide citation with page # of content used to generate answers.

What are the key advantages of AskDocs compared to ChatGPT?

While ChatGPT is a powerful language model, AskDocs is purpose-built to extract answers from your own document library. Simply upload your files and AskDocs will analyze them to generate highly relevant, context-specific answers. Each response includes citations referencing the exact sections of your documents that contain the answer. Plus, AskDocs provides a seamless interface to view your documents alongside the chatbot, eliminating the need to switch between applications. Also, AskDocs inclide citation with page # of content used to generate answers.

What are the key advantages of AskDocs compared to ChatGPT?

While ChatGPT is a powerful language model, AskDocs is purpose-built to extract answers from your own document library. Simply upload your files and AskDocs will analyze them to generate highly relevant, context-specific answers. Each response includes citations referencing the exact sections of your documents that contain the answer. Plus, AskDocs provides a seamless interface to view your documents alongside the chatbot, eliminating the need to switch between applications. Also, AskDocs inclide citation with page # of content used to generate answers.

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Is my document safe when uploaded to AskDocs? Are they stored securely?

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Can I embed a conversational AI on my website to answer questions from documents?

Can I embed a conversational AI on my website to answer questions from documents?

Can I embed a conversational AI on my website to answer questions from documents?

Do you have a plan for agencies to offer chatbots to their clients?

Do you have a plan for agencies to offer chatbots to their clients?

Do you have a plan for agencies to offer chatbots to their clients?

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AskDocs is your generative AI assistant that can quickly read, understand, find, and summarize information from your documents.

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